Advanced Agricultural Solutions for Tractors

From the team behind Quad-X Logo

  • Easy as 1,2,3 feeding and bedding
  • Easy feeding and bedding, feed a bale in as little as 2.5mins
  • Easy as 1,2,3 feeding and bedding
  • Easy feeding and bedding, feed a bale in as little as 2.5mins
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Save time and money bedding and feeding livestock with our innovative Blaney Bale Shredder.

Bale Shredder Loaded

The Bale Shredder has been designed to save you time and money involved in bedding and feeding livestock, typically labour intensive jobs. The large diameter rotor serves for faster bale throughput to get each through as quickly and efficiently as possible, shredding a bale for feeding or bedding in as little as 2 ½ minutes, making it faster than any competitor.

bale shredder-red

This has been achieved by maximising material flow within the drum and rotor, through extensive computeraided simulation and on-farm testing.

Thanks to its efficient construction even low powered tractors from 70hp can operate it (trailed wheel kit required).




Bale shredder- FeedingThe Blaney Bale Shredder can chop silage bales up to 5 times faster than a diet feeder.

With this machine you can give livestock the optimum amount of fresh silage without the need for back-breaking graping. By feeding on a daily basis, silage is more palatable, giving improved intake for more live weight gain per day. this results in less wastage and more profit.

The Bale Shredder can be easily loaded with round bales for feeding, shredding and chopping the silage up into more manageable lengths for easier eating. With various discharge chute options, it can be used to feed silage along passageways, over gates or into troughs, tubs or feeding trailers.

Using chopped silage bales prevents livestock pulling the silage into the slats resulting in cleaner livestock and reducing blockages in slurry mixing and lifting operations. Research and tests comparing chopped and unchopped silage found that chopped silage gave improved intake and more live weight gain. The Bale Shredder has been innovatively designed to allow you to vary and control the chop to suit your feeding needs.

F Series

  • Chops silage up for easier eating
  • Gives optimum amount of fresh feed for;-
  • Less wastage & improved intake
  • More live weight gain per day
  • More profit
  • Suitable for clamped & baled silage



Bale Shredder- BeddingThe first bale shredder designed to reduce dust and give a more even spread over a greater distance.

The Blaney Bale Shredder is ideal for straw chopping for bedding and can be used in cubicles or larger pens. The option of a high discharge chute can distribute straw up to a distance of 10m.

An innovative fan design maximises & maintains volumetric flow and air velocity that ensures maximum flow of straw over these large distances with minimised dust. Meticulously developed discharge chute geometry maintains material flow in suspension to minimise drag losses and maximises pressure difference to further accelerate flow and even particle distribution.

Not only does this help prevent the unwelcomed occurrence of “chute blockage” but it also means that less horsepower and diesel is required to operate the machine. This benefits the user immensely, as lower horsepower results in lower running costs and increased profit.

B Series

  • Efficient use of straw with more even & effective spreading
  • Cleaner more comfortable beds for healthier livestock
  • Chop control kit options allow straw bedding suitable for cattle and sheep down to a very fine cop for poultry
  • Suitable for round & large or small square straw bales
  • Volumetric flow and velocity for more even particle size and distribution (prevents all heavy material at the end of the spread)


Blaney Bale Shredder Features

  • Innovative fan and discharge chute design to maximise and maintain air velocity that ensures flow of straw over large distances, with less particle size difference over distance
  • Large diameter rotor and innovative cutting face design for faster bale throughput
  • Two discharge chutes for both silage & straw
  • Compact size- The overall geometry of the Bale Shredder is normally contained within the width of the tractor, for easy access along narrow passage-ways on through narrow gates.
  • Innovative design for strong and robust yet light-weight construction- even low powered tractors from 70hp can operate it. (Trailed wheel kit required)



The drum has 3 models available in order to meet the your requirements:

  • The F Series for optimum silage set-up and feeding
  • The B Series for optimum straw set-up and bedding
  • The FB Series for both feeding & bedding tasks required

Blade & Rotor

Customised blade & rotor options are available to suit various applications.Bale Shredder- Bedding

  • The rotor set-up can be tailored for each customer and their application, to achieve the required chop length of between 1 and 4 inches


The Blaney Bale Shredder is available in 2 sizes:

  • The 1200 to suit 4ft bales

bale shredder-red






  • The 1500 to suit 5ft bales, clamp silage or large square bales with addition of drum extension.

Bale shredder drum extension 1

Discharge Chutes

bale shredder-red- Bottom Chute_email

  • An additional 3rd bottom discharge chute can be added to allow more material to be dispensed.




  • Also there is an optional 270° giraffe chute for high level discharge

Self Loading

Bale Shredder LoadedThe Self Loading System is an option that will allow you to turn your feeding & bedding into a 1 tractor operation.





Stages of self-loading

Trailed Version

Bale shredder drum extension 1

  • The Trailer Kit- preferred for lower powered tractors to reduce linkage weight- innovative design allows full tilt while maintaining good ground clearance and low centre of gravity.


Contact us today and take the first step in a more efficient farm. We would love to answer any questions you might have.

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